Emilia Romagna, Priolo “Vince chi ama più la propria terra”
The regional councilor for environmental protection, Irene Priolo, presents the new 2023-2025 three-year waste management plan.
The leitmotif is "Whoever loves their land more wins". Here is a series of what is planned.
In these last three years we have strongly encouraged virtuous behavior. The commitment continues ". The regional councilor for environmental protection, Irene Priolo, presents the new 2023-2025 three-year waste management plan. The leitmotif is "Whoever loves their land more wins". The Emilia-Romagna Region has approved the new three-year waste management plan. The main objective is to reduce waste production in Emilia-Romagna by 10% by the end of 2025. In the plan, the increase in separate waste collection up to 80% is also envisaged.
The plan provides for investments for 110 million euros, including the 56 million made available by the NRP.
It also includes the construction of new waste treatment plants and the redevelopment of existing ones. The plan is based on the principles of the circular economy, waste prevention and the fight against waste, and promotes the use of recycled and recyclable materials, and the training of specialized personnel. The regional councilor for environmental protection, Irene Priolo, presented the plan, explaining that "we have strongly encouraged virtuous behavior in these last three years, and this commitment continues".
Among the objectives of the three-year plan:
- Reducing waste production in Emilia-Romagna by 10% by the end of 2025.
- Increasing separate waste collection to 80%.
- Building new waste treatment plants and redeveloping existing ones.
- Promoting the use of recycled and recyclable materials.
- Training specialized personnel.
The plan will be implemented through a series of initiatives, including:
- Awareness-raising campaigns to promote waste prevention and separate waste collection.
- Support for businesses that develop innovative waste treatment technologies.
- Investments in research and development of new waste management methods.